2019年 明けましておめでとうございます







和風な花も モダンなインテリアにはアクセントになるので、良いですよ!


A Happy New year .

In the past, we used to celebrate New Year 's Day by decorating the 七五三 (Pronunciation−−−'Shime') made of young pine tree.


'七五三' means number '753'. 

753 represent 'Japanese spirit' as a number that does not divide into two.


Tree's shape is composed of three elements. The middle part is named 'SHIN', the left is YOU' and right is 'TOME' . 

SHIN, YOU, TOME represents the heavens, the people, the earth respectively from the point of view of old Japanese philosophy.

They fuse into the universe.

Also each part stands for the present, the past, the future.


Japanese-style flowers suit modern interior because they become accent!